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Image Restoration based on a p-Gradient Model

Maouni Messaoud, F. Z. Nouri


Image processing has known an explosive growth over the last two decades, in both the diversity of techniques and the range of applications. Today it is one of the very hot topics for well known experts.The surge of emerging applications, such as single-sensor imaging, color-based multimedia, digital rights managements, art and biomedical applications, indicates that the demand for image solutions will grow considerably in next years. In this paper we present a p-gradient based partial differential equation (PDE) for image restoration, we prove the existence and the uniquenss of the solution for this PDE and give an algorithm for the resolution. By experimental results, we prove and illustrate the direct benefit and potentiality by the performance and the improvemnent results of the proposed model in image restoration.


Image processing; Partial differential equation.

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