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A Comprehensive Clinical Guideline Model and a Reasoning Mechanism for AAL Systems
Tiago Oliveira, Ângelo Costa, José Neves, Paulo Novais
The progressive ageing of population combined with the need for comfort in situations of disease and disability are pushing healthcare organizations and governments to find new solutions to enable people to live longer in their preferred environment, while having access to quality healthcare services. iGenda is an Ambient Assisted Living platform that provides constant monitoring to people with this type of needs. The use of a Computer-Interpretable Guideline model for decision making is one of the features of this platform. The model used to represent Clinical Practice Guidelines gathers a set of features that make guidelines more dynamic and easily implementable. The model is defined using Ontology Web Language, profiting from the existing constructors provided by this language. It is based on a set of primitive tasks, namely Plans, Actions, Questions and Decisions. Focusing on decision support, a method for dealing with incomplete information about the clinical parameters of a health record is presented. The objective is to keep a continuous flow of information through the decision process and assuring that an outcome is always achieved. The usefulness of the integration of guideline recommendations with a reason mechanism capable of handling incomplete information is demonstrated through a case study about the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.
Ambient Assisted Living, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Computer-Interpretable Guidelines, Knowledge Representation, Incomplete Information, Decision Support.
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