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Ecological-Economic Aspects of Supply of Qualitative Honey from Ukraine to the Global Markets

Ramalingam Liubov Mykhailova, Viktoriia Hrytsenko, Andrii Mykhailov, Margarita Lyshenko, Liudmyla Mohylna


The importance of the beekeeping industry for ensuring sustainable development of rural areas of Ukraine, employment of rural population, revenues to state and local budgets, conservation of ecosystems are assessed. The role of institutional support in regulating norms at the state and local levels of production and trade in honey is shown. It has been proved that the high level of shadow production of honey in Ukraine makes it impossible to identify honey producers, to determine their quantity, to identify sources (places) of origin, to control the production technology. There was a discrepancy between the volume of production and export of honey in the country; and the growth of imports of honey into Ukraine is a negative consequence of the development of market openness and integration into European and world structures. The natural and anthropogenic factors of beekeeping development are estimated; the influence of uncontrolled use of herbicides and antibiotics on the quality of honey is evident. The necessity of legalization of honey producers, association of beekeepers and traders is grounded in order to ensure honey safety and increase the selling price on world markets, gradual introduction of HACCP quality control system.


ecological and economic aspects, world markets, honey, beekeeping, quality, safety, standards, harmonization.

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