Evaluation of Tri Hita Karana Implementation in the Subak System as a World Culture Heritage
Subak as a typical irrigation system in Bali utilizes Tri Hita Karana as a foundation in carrying out all its activities. The research was carried out in the subak which has been designated as a world cultural heritage by Unesco, namely subak in the Catur Angga Batukaru region, Tabanan and subak regencies in the upstream area of the Pakerisan River, Gianyar Regency. Determination of subak as cultural heritage by Unesco in 2012 because subak is considered in real terms to realize the implementation of the THK concept. The population in this study were all subak member farmers in the Catur Angga Batukaru area and members of the subak in the upper reaches of the Pakerisan River. Furthermore, the sample was randomly selected, each region as many as 30 farmers, so the total number of samples became 60 farmers. Meanwhile, secondary data will be obtained from agencies related to the study in this study. Data analysis to measure THK implementation is used fuzzy logic method. Some of the parameters of THK elements have vagueness characteristics, so fuzzy logic is needed in developing relationship equations in their analysis. The results showed that in general, the Tri Hita Karana (THK) element was still implemented well by farmers in the Subak area of Tabanan Catur Angga Batukaru and in the subak hulu area of the Pakerisan River, Gianyar Regency. The most dominant THK element applied in the Subak Catur Angga Batukaru and subak areas in the upstream area of the Pakerisan River is the Parhyangan element. The elements of Pawongan for subak internal management are also still well implemented, but the management of tourism development is still very weak. Subak is only an object, it has not functioned as a subject for managing tourism development. The element of palemahan, began to weaken with the development of tourism in the Angga Batukaru Chess area, especially in Jatiluwih Subak. Development of tourism facilities such as restaurants, there are utilizing productive land (paddy fields). The role of subak needs to be improved in managing tourism development that utilizes the subak region as a tourism object. Subak should be in a position as manager in tourism development due to the status of subak as a world cultural heritage area. Thus it will have a direct positive impact on subak.
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