Contemporary Marketing Concept as A Component of Sustainable Development of The Region and Rural Areas of Ukraine
Contemporary Marketing Concept as A Component of Sustainable Development of The Region and Rural Areas of Ukraine
The article deals with theoretical issues concerning the main provisions of the modern marketing concept for the formation of sustainable development of the region. The characteristic of the main goals of sustainable development of the region and rural territories is considered. The proposed algorithm for improving the sustainable development of the regions is proposed.
The article deals with the micro and macro environment of the functioning of domestic business entities. It is proved that the transition to the principles of sustainable development is a non-alternative solution in modern economic conditions for any business entities. This strategic development plan implies the need to adapt the classical theory of marketing to the problems of market ecologization, which in turn can serve as a direction for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and its products. It is concluded that the transition to the principles of sustainable marketing contributes to the sustainability of enterprises and entire sectors of the national economy through the attraction and use of socially responsible marketing, support and protection of environmental systems in the external and internal marketing environment.
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