Premises and Environmental Background for the Transition to the Creative Development of Economics
Objective: The research of the main prerequisites and conditions for the transition of countries to the phase of creative development, taking into account the ecological component. Methods: economic and statistical analysis, structural and monographic analysis as well as the method of expert evaluation. Conclusions: There is a clear relationship between the socio-demographic parameters of the population and the level of realization of creative potential. There was studied the influence of the country's level of urbanization in the development of creative economy. Considered and found a link between religion and economic well-being of society including the level of development of the creative economy. It is proved that free and flexible working hours to some extent affect the effectiveness of the implementation of creative potential of the company's employees. Application / improvements: The results of research can be used by governments, BRICS Summits and Councils of the Heads of States of SCO as recommendations on the formation of the transition to the creative development stage.
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