Factors Influencing Participation in Illegal Mining in Denkyira Corridor of Ghana
Illegal mining is pollution is both dangerous to human life and other living organisms which support human existence. Galamsey activities are responsible for deforestation and soil erosion in most of the mining communities in Ghana which Denkyira corridor is no exception. This study therefore investigated factors that influence ones decision to participate in illegal mining in Denkyira corridor. stratified sampling technique were used to select 160 respondents and binary probit model was used to identify the factors that influence ones decision to participate in illegal mining in the study area. The study found that household size, Age, sex, Educational attainment, perceived risk and peer influence are key predictors of ones decision to participate in illegal mining in Denkyira corridor. On this basis, this study recommends that the government should redirect the energies of the youth in illegal mining into other productive ventures like agriculture that would equally guarantee enough income for the youth to live meaningful lives.
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