Workers Risks, Perceptions and Attitude: Implications to Sao-Hill Forest Plantation Management
This study examined workers’ perceptions and attitudes toward risks in forest plantation management. Specific objectives were to; assess perceptions of forest workers towards risks in forest management, analyze risk attitude diversity among forest workers, and to assess relationship between risk attitude and perception in decision making outcomes. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and discussions with division managers. The questionnaire was administered randomly to 80 sampled workers at Sao-Hill forest plantation. Data were analysed descriptively. The sporadic fire outbreaks, pest, wind damage, lack of incentives and inadequate capital for investment were perceived to be more critical risks in almost all forest management areas. Workers were risk takers contrary to theoretically expected. The risk taking behaviour was significantly explained by the extent of livelihood diversification and education achievement. The results indicate that management outcome was positively influenced by education, experience, and risk attitude. A new approach of motivation system needs to be put in place; many of the workers complained on too little motivation. Secondly, an insurance regime that will compensate workers in time of injury needs to be instituted; this could increase workers’ confidence. More training especially in terms of short courses could enhance capacity of workers in risks mitigation.
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