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Livelihood Sustainability of Forest Dependent Communities in a Mine-spoiled Area

Narendra Nath Dalei, Yamini Gupt


Mining is one of the most adverse anthropogenic interventions that cause degradation of forest ecosystem. Not only does it destroy the habitat of wild animals and birds but also does impact the livelihood of forest dependent communities negatively. This paper tries to explore the intertemporal sustainability of livelihoods of the forest dependent communities affected by limestone and dolomite mining during last 50 years in Purnapani area of the Sundargarh district of Odisha state in India. The study covered 312 households in Purnapani area. Using an Intertemporal Sustainable Livelihoods Security Index (ISLSI), the study shows that sustainability of livelihood declined while the mining activity was ongoing and increased marginally during post-mining period due to initiation of ecological restoration in the mine-spoiled area.


Mining, Ecosystem, Livelihood

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