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The Mechanics of Reduction in Pesticide Use in Indonesian Rice Farm: Economic Impact of Integrated Pest Management Training



This study aims to analyze the decrease in level of pesticide use because of integrated pest management (IPM) training using a concept of economic threshold for agricultural pests. The IPM training is expected to change farmers’ knowledge related to plant protection. The study was conducted in Java, where the training has been widely carried out. Panel data on rice during 1990-1998 were collected from provincial agricultural agencies. A simultaneous equation model of economic threshold was employed. The results show that pesticides were ineffective in diminishing pests. Since farmers have better knowledge on agro-ecosystem after participating the training, they no longer use the ineffective pesticides. Consequently pesticides use decreased along with the increases in the amount of IPM training.


Integrated pest management (IPM) training, economic threshold, maximum acceptable level of pest infestation, level of pesticide use, 2SLS regression

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