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Analysis of Trends in Emission of Criteria Air Pollutants and Human Health in an Era of Regulation
Yohannes K.G. Mariam
Several studies have shown the environmental and health impacts of emission of criteria air pollutants such as SO2, NOx, and VOCs in the United States of America. These pollutants are primarily associated with acid rain, ground level ozone or smog, and formation of inhalable particulates. The present study will examine trends in emissions of these pollutants, and selected indicators of human health affected by these pollutants over the past two decades. Furthermore, the study will implement a method called linear structural relationship or causal analysis to identify the impacts of factors that may affect human and environmental health. Finally, the study will determine whether or not the changes observed over the past two decades with respect to reduction in emissions, improvements in human health indicators, and environmental expenditures are statistically significant. The study is expected to make contribution towards identification of factors or issues that policy makers and regulators should focus on and whether or not regulations have made significant difference in influencing emissions, environmental and human health risk factors.
LISREL, Causal, Emissions, Environment, Time-series econometrics, Chow
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