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Real and Hypothetical Travel Cost Models In Estimating Forest Recreation Benefits in a Developing Country: A Comparative Analysis

Amjath Babu, T.S, S. Suryaprakash


Forest recreation is a key non-marketed use influencing the decisions concerning land use change as it is realised locally. The literature on valuing recreational experience is diverse and the current paper attempts to compare the consumer surplus estimates of a recreation site located at Western Ghats region of India using different travel cost models (linear, semi-log and count forms of individual travel cost model as well as a zonal travel cost model) as well as a hypothetical travel cost model. These estimates are checked for consistency and validity both on theoretical and empirical grounds. We believe that such a comparative assessment increase the policy relevance of the recreational demand functions and value estimates that can be used for project appraisals, benefit transfers and optimum entry fee determination.


recreation, travel cost model, non market valuation, Western Ghats

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