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Stated Preference Approaches to Value Environmental Benefits of Local Environmental Taxes

Kentaro Yoshida, Katsuhiko Demura


We evaluated local environmental taxes for the conservation of local environmental goods. We applied contingent valuation method (CVM) and choice experiment to elicit individual WTP and demonstrated their transferability. Local environmental taxes have been implemented in a number of local municipalities and then budget constraint and lack of expertise may make it difficult to apply a social benefit-cost analysis of environmental goods. Therefore, it appears to be important to assess the validity of environmental benefits transfer. In this study, local environmental goods to be valued
are forestry conservation, urban green space preservation, and river water quality improvement. This study is based on data collected by mail surveys of residents of three prefectures. Two types of tests can be conducted to test the transferability of environmental benefits, i.e., likelihood ratio (LR) test and direct transfer test by a convolution approach. The results suggested that CVM passed LR tests but choice experiment did not. On the other hand, direct transfer test showed more reliable results for both valuation methods.

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