Impact of Climate Factors on the Prevalence of Renal Diseases
A Kidney stone is a common disease with high prevalence and recurrence. Its incidence varies in different geographic locations and there are evidence that climate factors also affect kidney stone formation. 1630 hospital admissions with renal diagnoses during January 2013 to December 2015, in Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi districts were, taken into account of my study. The data were analyzed with conditional and unconditional logistic regression analysis by using R software. The result of acute renal failure is the largest association between mean temperature and hospital admissions. In summer season more patients are affected by urinary tract infections. In winter season more patients are affected by nephrosis. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of climate factors on the summer and winter seasons for kidney stones in a hospital and understand the effects of these factors on the prevalence of kidney stone.
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