Zhang, Bing
2013, Volume 40, Issue Number: 10 - Articles
The Special Quality Evaluation of the Triple Jump and the Differential Equation Model of Long Jump Mechanics Based on Gray Correlation Analysis
Abstract -
2013, Volume 44, Issue Number: 14 - Articles
Dynamics Mathematical Model and Prediction of Long Jump Athletes in Olympics
Abstract -
2013, Volume 44, Issue Number: 14 - Articles
Bio-mechanical Mathematical Model Analysis for Race Walking Technique
Abstract -
2013, Volume 51, Issue Number: 21 - Articles
Impact Factor Analysis of Urban Leisure Sports Development Based on Principal Component Analysis
Abstract -
2013, Volume 51, Issue Number: 21 - Articles
Application of Gray Correlation Theory for the Impact Factor Analysis of the Integrative Development of the Sports Industry and Tourism Industry
Abstract -
2013, Volume 51, Issue Number: 21 - Articles
The Competitiveness Evaluation and Empirical Research of Sports Tourism Industry for China's City
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