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The Application of Redundant Units and Alternative Designs to Reliability Optimization

Mohammad Mohammadi Najafabadi, S. Mansouri


Broadly speaking, one of the major criteria for an engineering system implementation is the reliability of that system. The reliability coefficient, owing to the increasing advancement of sciences and technology, intricateness of today’s engineering systems and thus, the impact of their unreliable behavior on various areas, on one side, and the tendency for the evaluation of this coefficient in the engineering systems and the need to improve it, on the other side, has gotten of a great significance. In order for making the best or most effective use of these systems, diverse methods are applied to acquire or produce highly reliable goods. Highly capable in optimizing the engineering systems, genetic algorithms are among the most commonly utilized methods. In the present paper, in order to apply these problems, the best or most effectively, a particular model is introduced.


Reliability optimization, evolutionary algorithm, alternative design, optimization problem.

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