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Brand and its Impact in Analysis of Customer Decision - making Process using TOPSIS technique

R. Vavrek, J. Novotova


The decision making process of customer represents a process that is influenced by several marketing stimuli, outside factors and by a black box of each customer. The research this article is based upon is focused on the main marketing stimuli the quality and price of the product aiming at presenting the TOPSIS method as one of the possible tools of an objective evaluation of products’ characteristics. This research was made on the sample of 302 laptops from six brands sold in three internet stores present in the Slovak market in 2015. The paper offers an alternative in the form of the TOPSIS technique for the evaluation of laptops as product which can be evaluated based on several criteria.It is clear from the results that the type of the internet store and the level of offered services have no influence on the perceived quality of laptop brands. The analysis of the relation between quality and price has shown that the increased price of the HP laptops does not reflect a higher quality perceived by customers. For the other brands, a positive linear correlation between price and quality was determined. TOPSIS technique presents method which can be used in several areas. Paper presents use of this method as full-valued tool for customer how to objective evaluate product in daily life.


TOPSIS technique,product attributes decision making, branding

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