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Rethinking the Impact of Teacher-Parents’ Involvement on Their Children’s Academic Achievements

H. C. Lee, M. J. Chou


The study aims to explore the differences between the academic achievements of the teachers’ children and the achievements of children whose parents are in other occupations. We also analyze what differences occur if any and why. The study adopts the samples of freshmen in the Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database (TIPED) (N=24980) and the senior high school students in Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) (N=6597). The findings show that the percentage of teachers’ children entering public universities is highest among all and higher than children of other senior professionals’. Because teachers’ education background and family income are higher than that of other occupations, their children’s academic achievement is thus higher. Nevertheless, after controlling for parents’ education, family income, and other background factors, secondary and elementary schools show the highest educational expectations, which may also account for the higher academic achievement of their children. In addition, children of these teachers also have a higher participation rate in cram schools in comparison to children of parents in other occupations.


teacher-parents, children’s academic achievement, parents’ occupation

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