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NN-based System Identification and Control of RUAV
Bhaskar Prasad Rimal, Idris E. Putro, Agus Budiyono, Dugki Min, Eunmi Choi
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are widely applied nowadays for classification, identification, control, diagnostics, recognition, etc. They can be implemented for identification of dynamic systems. The concept of ANN is highly used in design and simulation of control system of Rotorcraft-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (RUAVs). Controller design for UAV is subject to time varying and non-linear model parameters. The objective of this paper is to simulate the non-linear identification of a dynamic system which is based on its response to standard signals. The non-linear identification is based on model reference control (MRC). For MRC, the controller is a neural network that is trained to control a plant so that it follows a reference model. The neural network plant model is used to assist in the controller training. This paper simulates the modeling capabilities of a state space neural network, to act as an observer for a non-linear process allowing a simultaneous estimation of parameters and states.
Rotorcraft-based UAV, Hardware in the Loop, Artificial neural network, Non-linear identification, Model Reference Control
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