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Allergy Medication Dose and Biological Weather: a Data-Oriented Investigation
Kostas D. Karatzas, Marina Riga, Dimitris Voukantsis, Åslög Dahl
Biological weather factors like airborne pollen have been associated with allergic symptoms in sensitized individuals, whereas atmospheric pollution aggravates the impact on the overall quality of life. In this study, we investigate the relationship between the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) given to patients in cases of allergy reactions, and the different levels of pollen types, air pollutants, and meteorological conditions. In this way, specialists may be able to define the need for medication concerning individuals suffering from pollen allergy, not only according to their personal medical record but also in relation to atmospheric quality observations. Results indicate some interesting interrelationships between the use of medication and atmospheric quality conditions and show that the forecasting of daily medication use is possible with the aid of proper algorithms.
Allergy, Medication Dosage Forecasting, Information Gain, Self-Organizing Maps, Decision Trees.
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