LiveABT: A Real-Time Repairing Protocol for Incremental and Dynamic DisCSPs
Several methods have been developed in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DDisCSP), for solving problems that change continuously over time. These proposed approaches require a batch processing resolution. A group of changes is collected and processed, over a period, after finding a solution or detecting the unsolvability of the initial problem. In contrast, many situations require immediate actions to act within the few
seconds or minutes following the changes (e.g., flight delay management in a distributed air traffic control system). This paper proposes a new approach, called LiveABT, to solve Dynamic Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems. This new approach is based on the Asynchronous Backtracking (ABT) algorithm and real-time processing techniques that run the solver immediately against live perturbations. We evaluate our approach and compare it to the Dynamic Asynchronous Backtracking (DynABT), the latest algorithm proposed in the context of DDisCSP, on various problems kinds. The results show that LiveABT outperforms significantly DynABT especially for the problems much more perturbed.
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